WinMerik ® PC Software Application Data Monitoring and Storage
WinMerik ® PC Software Application Data Monitoring and Storage

WinMerik is for customers with MERRICK Controllers who want to get more from their feeder or scale system. A Personal Computer (PC) running WinMerik that is connected to a MERRICK Controller can:

  • Monitor up to 10 Process Values in real-time
  • Log Real-Time Process Values to the PC’s Disk Drive
  • Use DDE to transfer process values to other software
  • Read and store to disk all parameters in the controller
  • Transmit parameters stored on disk to a controller

WinMerik ® PC Software Application Data Monitoring and StorageWith WinMerik it is possible to:

  • Graph historical data in a spreadsheet program
  • Graph live real-time values in a spreadsheet program
  • Store calibration and program parameters for future use
  • Restore calibration and program parameters to a controller
  • Use DDE to send data to Supervisory or PLC Systems
  • Use business network to transfer/monitor data in the plant

PC System Requirements:

  • Windows 95, 98, NT, XP
  • CD ROM Drive
  • RS-232 or RS-485 Com Port
  • 80386 or higher processor
  • 16 Meg RAM
  • 2 MB Hard Drive Space

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